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Home » » Indonesia puts on its largest display of military strength as it farewells president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Indonesia puts on its largest display of military strength as it farewells president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Written By on Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

Indonesia's military is holding a major display of its capability off the coast of East Java as it celebrates 69 years of operation.

Indonesia puts on its largest display of military strength as it farewells president Susilo Bambang YudhoyonoThe largest show of military strength in Indonesia's history is also part of the farewells to president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, whose 10-year term ends on October 20.

The joint celebration is a clear indication of just how significantly Indonesia's military has expanded - a build-up that it is calling a modernisation, rather than an expansion.

As well as building its own navy ships, Indonesia has ordered Leopard tanks from Germany, Sukhoi fighter jets from Russia and Apache helicopters and missiles from the United States.

Indonesia also has a joint venture with South Korea to build submarines there, with plans to transfer the capability so a local industry can open up.

Indonesia's military, or Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI), was set up after World War II.

Now, in terms of personnel, it is 10 times the size of Australia's Defence Force, and working hard to modernise.

Despite Tuesday's festivities, it has hardly had a blemish-free history - the killing and torture of protestors at the end of the Suharto era, the violent 'black operations' on East Timor and Aceh, and ongoing problems in the Papuan provinces are less shining examples of Indonesia's military past.

But today is a celebration of reform and longevity, as well as a 'thank you' to former general and outgoing president SBY, for supporting military expansion during his two terms in office.

Australia's Chief of Defence Mark Binskin is due to attend the event.

Incoming president Joko Widodo has announced that he wants Indonesia to become a key maritime power.

Information : abc
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